It’s time to go on an adventure filled with excitement and rewards! Let’s pack up our gear, select our favorite rods, and embark on a trip like no other: the Fishing Trip!

Trips in Fishing Clash come in many sizes, as we travel to various destinations where plenty of amazing rewards await! Their themes and duration vary each time, but they’re always worth it! Anglers may visit the Trip menu from the main in-game screen, provided a Fishing Trip is currently ongoing. So, before we head out, let’s learn a thing or two about Trips, so that our journeys are enjoyable and full of prizes to grab along the way!

What is the Fishing Trip?
The Fishing Trip is a way to both be challenged and score extra prizes, just by playing! Collecting Fish Tokens (sometimes called Energy Points) for completing specific tasks allows anglers to grab useful (and sometimes even beautiful!) prizes. Complete enough tasks and collect Fish Tokens to reach the next reward thresholds. If you buy the Golden Ticket, you’ll gain access to an entire set of additional goodies!

Which tasks do I need to complete to progress further?
The tasks in the Fishing Trip award you with Fish Tokens, which you’ll need to progress. These tasks, called Missions, change daily, but anglers may also find seasonal ones that offer extra Fish Tokens. Since Missions vary every day, and with each Trip, such tasks may require anglers to use specific Power-Ups a number of times, catch fish of certain rarities, or win Duels, for example. Visiting the Fishing Trip window daily allows anglers to prepare in advance and adjust their gameplay accordingly. After all, all those rewards are up for grabs!

What’s the Golden Ticket?
Every angler has access to the Free Ticket and the prizes that come with it. Once you buy the Golden Ticket, you will gain access to an additional set of rewards, many of which will further aid you during gameplay! Once purchased, completing Missions and collecting Fish Tokens will remain the same for the duration of the Trip, but the available goodies will be even more plentiful!

Does the Golden Ticket unlock extra progress during the Trip?
No, the Golden Ticket won’t help you reach the thresholds on its own. Anglers should keep in mind that only their dedication to fishing and completing Missions will open a reward threshold. That being said, once you decide to buy the Golden Ticket after already reaching a bunch of milestones, you’ll then collect all the Golden Ticket rewards available up until that point. You won’t restart your Fishing Trip and won’t have to complete new Missions to reach thresholds you’ve already attained!

What’s the best way to maximize my rewards from the Fishing Trip?
Be sure to check the Trip window daily. You’ll be able to plan your fishing activities and collect as many Fish Tokens as possible! Check the new daily and seasonal Missions, since they change over time. What’s more, if you need a few Fish Tokens, you can buy them directly, with Pearls.
TIP: If you’re considering buying the Golden Ticket, you may do so after already attaining a few thresholds, or even near the end of that particular Trip, to collect all those useful rewards in one go! Some anglers like to do the opposite: these adventurous individuals find it motivating to buy the Golden Ticket at the very beginning of their Trip, and collect the extra rewards as they go. Well, what can we say? Everyone’s boat floats on different waves!

Will my current Golden Ticket work with the next Trip?
No, the Golden Ticket cannot be carried over to the next Fishing Trip. The Golden Ticket is only applicable to the Trip on which it’s purchased. This also means it’s best not to wait until the last moment to purchase it!