This functionality will allow you to do a mass auto-upgrade of your rods. To use it, go to the Rod Menu and pick the AUTO-UPGRADE option. On the left, you'll see a list of your stock rods at a given fishery. The system will display all auto-upgrade options available for you. For instance, if you have 40 level-1 rods and would like to upgrade them to level-2 ones, you'll get 8 level-2 rods. You'll receive this information for each of your stock rods. This way, you'll get to upgrade your stock rods hassle-free.
Important: AUTO-UPGRADE will always use your lowest-quality stock rods. Also, it'll never use any of your ASSIGNED rods.
You can LOCK each valuable rod so it won't get used during the upgrade or auto-upgrade process. We'll mark that rod with a padlock icon. A LOCKED rod will gain immunity to all actions that would potentially make it disappear from your stock. You'll find the LOCK button next to the UPGRADE button in the Rod Menu.
Last Updated: 410d