Anglers are bursting with excitement as they prepare to depart to the open waters. Here, coordination and efficiency are key. Their plan is to defeat the opposing Clan with a show of fishing mastery. Will they succeed? The Arena opens… now!

What is the Arena?
The Arena is an exceptional fishing mode in Fishing Clash, connected to Clan Matches. The Arena invites opposing Clans to compete by catching fish in real time at a unique fishing spot, exclusive to the Arena. The mode aims to recreate a real-life fishing tournament, as well as fishing itself: the number of fish to catch is limited, so timing, coordination, and cooperation are key! By delivering the joy and thrill of catching fish in the excellent company of your fellow Clan members, the Arena in Fishing Clash is an angling experience like no other!

When can we clash in the Arena?
The Arena can appear alongside Clan Matches, but not every time! Be sure to check the Clan Match tab in-game to see if the Arena is available. You’ll also notice it on the main screen. When you do, be sure to let your Clan members know to rally up, and show the other Clan who’s winning this battle!

What is the goal?
The goal is the same as that of Clan Matches: to outscore the opposing Clan! Each fish caught by Clan members in the Arena carries a specific number of points per catch, and some fish are worth more than others! The fishing spot unique to the Arena harbors a limited number of worthy catches shared by both Clans, so anglers need to both hurry and strategize which species they’re going after.

Is fishing in the Arena different from other game modes?
Yes! The Arena brings the familiar way of catching fish known throughout Fishing Clash and adds more rivalry to spice things up! The Arena-exclusive fish can only be successfully caught if they’re weary – when their Health Points (HP) drop to zero. Once hooked, the HP of the fish will slowly deplete, but there’s a catch! If you manage to keep your rod steady and stay in the center, you’ll build up your critical strike. Once it’s charged, hit the critical strike button to greatly reduce the fish’s Health Points at once. Remember: the more critical strike you build up at once, the more effective it becomes! Since there is a time limit on reeling in each fish, keeping your rod in the center and using the critical strike button is your best fishing strategy.

What happens if I don’t reel in my fish in time?
The fish you’ve been trying to catch will swim away, but it won’t disappear from the Arena’s fishing spot! The fish will be a bit tired now, so its HP will remain reduced, making it a good target for your Clanmates or for the opposing Clan members. Now, you can try to catch it again or hope that someone from your team does and scores the points for your Clan. Otherwise, oops, you’ve just helped out the opposing Clan! But not to worry, the Arena’s fishing spot holds many fish for you to try again!

What are the best fish to catch?
Each Arena brings its own unique species to the Arena-exclusive fishing spot, so be sure to strategize with your Clan! However, a unique fish will often appear in the Arena’s competitive waters: a Monster Fish! This particular species has an enormous number of Health Points, so catching it won’t be an easy task and will require a team effort on both sides. These Monsters, however, are worth lots of points, rewarding you for the collective effort! Keep in mind that the person who manages to finally reel in the Monster will grab its points, so it’s crucial to strategize your approach with your Clan!

Are there any common resources from the game that we can use in the Arena?
No, not really! The aim of the Arena is to give even Clan newcomers a fighting chance! The fish and their lures don’t overlap with regular fisheries. Here, it’s about camaraderie, strategy, and the thrill of competing against the rival Clan. The Arena resources – meaning the Arena Spinners, Arena Tokens, and Fish Finders – can be gathered from various Events and the Shop. Since we’re on the topic, time for a quick rundown:

◦ Arena Spinner – necessary to catch an Arena fish
◦ Arena Token – used to upgrade the Arena-unique rod
◦ Fish Finder – allows you to scan for nearby fish and decide which to hook and catch

What is the most important tool in the Arena?
Outside the strategy you cook up in the Clan chat? The Arena Rod! Everyone fishing in the Arena gets a unique rod that has the same base stats and starts from Level 1. This rod can be upgraded with Arena Tokens, and each subsequent level makes it perform better! When leveling up the Arena Rod, you’re able to select or change the bonuses used for fish of a certain rarity. These bonuses enhance the rod’s performance even further, but only work on the specific rarity of the fish you’re catching.

For example, some Clan members may choose to catch only common fish, while others fight the Monster, which has monster rarity in the Arena. The first group will maximize their performance by selecting common rarity bonuses, while the second should look for monster rarity bonuses. If the Clan’s strategy changes, fret not – anglers are able to reset the Arena Rod back to Level 1, while getting back the Arena Tokens used for the previous upgrades! Use this knowledge to your advantage, anglers! Also, please note that each new Arena will also revert the rods back to their initial form!

Each upgrade of the Arena Rod enhances its performance, and the selectable bonuses applicable to the specific fish rarity are as such:

◦ Damage per second – increases the speed with which you catch the specific fish
◦ Critical strike damage – increases the damage of your critical strike
◦ Time to catch the fish – gives you more time to catch your fish and allows for more effective fishing

Besides these, upgrading the Arena Rod increases two other bonuses:

◦ Max critical multiplier – increases how critical strike is multiplied when used
◦ Fish Finder range – increases the number of fish visible through the Fish Finder

The final tip for all anglers looking to reel in their fish as quickly as possible, is to consider critical strike as one of your most valuable abilities! Increasing the critical strike damage and the max critical multiplier goes a long way, but when fishing, be sure to build up your critical strike as much as possible within your time limit, since the more you charge it, the more damage it will deal!

Armed with this knowledge and rods in hand, your visits to the Arena should be a thrilling and enjoyable experience! Be sure to discuss your strategy in the Clan chat and do your very best to score as many points as possible! Good luck in the Arena, anglers!