Fishing Clash hoarders, rejoice! Ever wanted to exchange your surplus lures for something more than just Coins? Here’s your chance to trade those lonely piles of lures for awesome goodies! Let’s learn all about Black Pearls and how to use them to your tactical advantage in any of the upcoming fishing competitions!

What are Black Pearls?
Black Pearls are a currency used to obtain useful in-game goods from your otherwise unnecessary surplus lures! We will soon learn how to do this, but let’s start from the top…

What are “surplus” lures, exactly?
Some of our more seasoned Anglers may be aware: when owning any extra lures for fish we already have fully leveled up, an option to sell those “surplus” lures appears. In those cases, Anglers can exchange their excess resources for Coins, which is when we refer to “surplus” lures.

What else can I do with my surplus lures?
Now, instead of selling them for Coins, you can exchange them for Black Tickets! This can be done in the specific lure album, where our surplus lures are located. With your Black Tickets in hand, head to the Black Pearl Machine from the main in-game screen to exchange them for Black Pearls!

What do I do with my Black Pearls?
After exchanging your surplus lures for Black Tickets, and trading those for Black Pearls, you’re ready to go shopping! Be sure to visit the Black Pearl Stall and exchange your Black Pearls for various useful in-game items!

What can I get from the Black Pearl Stall?
The Black Pearl Stall, where we exchange Black Pearls, has many useful in-game items, such as Vouchers, top Pro Baits, Magic Items, and more! Stock and availability are time-limited, and the selection of goodies changes periodically, so be sure to check your very own Black Pearl Stall to see what’s in store! Suddenly, getting duplicate lures is starting to look like a blessing!