It's time to take your boat for a swim, Anglers! This is a quest of exploration and reeling in some great prizes, welcome to the Fishing Quest!
What is the Fishing Quest?
Fishing Quest is an Event-type activity available in Fishing Clash occasionally and connected to a specific in-game fishery. Here, we explore the area with our boat, collect rewards, and catch fish to progress further. The Fishing Quest area looks like a board game; to progress further, just select the tile you wish to sail to!
Some of the tiles ask us to catch specific fish and block our way until we do. Others are connected with in-game Events, so if you wish to fully explore the area and grab all the prizes, be sure to check your Event window frequently! The Fishing Quest, like all other Events, is time-limited, so be sure to depart on your quest for as long as it's available for you in the game!
Smooth sailing on your quest, Anglers!