Clubs are for people with similar interests or friends looking for a place to play together. Any player who has reached level 15 can form their club. You can enter the club even on the first level.
There are two types of clubs in the game:

- open - any eager player can join.
- private, closed clubs where players meet specific requirements set by the leader.

While creating a club, you can also specify the minimum level that will be required from the players so that they can join it.
In one club there may be up to 50 players.
Players can have the following club functions:

- Leader - A Chairman who can add other players (in private clubs), give members functions and remove them from the club. The club leader can also change its parameters and dissolve it completely.
- Officer - A Deputy Leader (more than one person can fill this role) who is allowed to accept and remove players from the club.

Other players in the club cannot edit information about the club or add/remove other members.
Each club has its own chat (available in tabs)
While purchasing virtual currency, it is possible to support other players in the club with bonuses. They vary depending on the purchased package. They are sent to all players in the club except for the person who makes the purchase.