In Hunting Clash, players use special cards to lure animals when hunting. Each lure card has its own statistics, which affect the number of points for hunting the particular animal and the chances of spotting it.

The lures have two features:
  • Weight – determines the average weight of the hunted animal,
  • Chance – determines the chances of spotting the animal when hunting.

Each lure has its own level that players can upgrade after collecting a specific number of cards. New cards can be found in packs from Duels, Championships, and Events, or purchased in the game store. A higher card level increases the average weight of an animal and the chances of spotting it during a hunt. Lure upgrades also give players the experience they need to improve their own level.

The lures are divided into different rarity types. Rarity directly influences the amount of silver and the number of cards needed for an upgrade, but also determines the maximum level of a card. The upper limits are as follows:

Rarity (lure color)- Maximum level

Common (gray) - 13 Rare (blue) - 12 Epic (green) - 10 Mythical (purple) - 8 Legendary (yellow) - 5